Today is the day we are finally able to move onboard – a major milestone as this means that we will be able to leave the marina very soon. The trailer is almost empty now – which means that nearly everything is fitted and there’s not TOO much more to do. It’s time to take the custom made mattress out and make up the bed.
The mattress for the forward cabin was specified and supplied by Clipper Marine, through a partner supplier – and we had also had custom bed linen made by Nauteriors to fit both the aft and forward cabins based on the mattress specifications. The mattress comes in two halves – to make it easier to manoeuvre through the companionway and into the cabin. The two halves zip together to prevent separation in the middle and there is a memory foam one piece topper on top.
We managed to get the two pieces in place – although this was still quite a challenge as it’s quite heavy ….. and made a startling discovery …..

The supposed custom made mattress was about 6″ too short and 4″ too narrow!! Further discussion with Clipper Marine revealed the source of the error ….. the measurements had been made VERY carefully in Swanwick on a stock boat they had available. However, the stock boat was a THREE cabin version and the sizes and layout of the beds in this version are significantly different from our TWO cabin version.
Although we don’t have a custom mattress in our aft guest cabin, we do have custom linen – and this cabin is even more different in the two cabin version – ours is almost a third bigger so of course none of the linen or quilts would fit anywhere near.
There is not much we can do about this for this summer – we have no way of getting a new mattress made in the timescale or of getting the linen remade either. We have no choice but to live with it as it is and to push the gaps to the sides and join the mattress together in the middle. Of course, the linen in the forward cabin fits the mattress so at least it can be used for now … and the bed does look nice 🙂
We are now moving aboard – and adding replacement mattress and replacement bed linen to our warranty list!